Thursday, 26 February 2015

Week 4

We have been busy this week with P.A.T testing as well as continuing our learning about bees. We learnt about how bees pollinate flowers and used the I-pads to make videos about the process.
We also had our second Garden to Table session and we made tomato and basil crostini, couscous and pumpkin salad and peach muffins. It was delicious! Thanks again to all of our wonderful helpers!!!

room9mps's Garden to Table 2015 album on Photobucket

Monday, 23 February 2015

What's the Buzz?

In Room 34 we are learning all about bees and how they do what they do.
To look at how bees pollinate flowers, we looked at the structure of a flower. We took these pictures using the digital microscope. Can you identify some of the parts?

Did you know that sunflowers are made up of many small flowers all together surrounded by large petals?
Here are some games and videos that we are using in class.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Insect Information Reports

WALT: write information reports

Room 34 have been learning to write information reports. We all researched an insect and wrote an information report about it. Here are some of our reports.

Stick insects

Did you know that Stick insects not only look like a stick, they act like one too. Stick insects eggs resemble seeds scatted about the forest floor.

Life cycle
Fist the stick insects lay their eggs. Then it goes through the pupa larva stage. And then it goes through the pupa stage. At the very last stage of its life stage it becomes an adult. Stick insects can live up to 4 to 10 months.

Stick insects look like
Stick insects have a long thin body. Stick insects look like a stick. Some stick insects have a green and brown body. They also have green legs.

Stick insects live in trees so they can blend in with the branch. They are also found in large green bushes.                 

1.      Stick insects don’t bite but they aren’t defenceless because they can blend in.

2.      Stick insects eggs may attract ants, when this happens the ants take them away to feed to their babies.

3.      Not all stick insects are just plain brown

4.      In winter stick insects eat phasmatod, a type of plant.

5.      Stick insects can play dead so predators don’t eat them.

6.      Stick insects hold the record for the longest

Insect in the world.

Now next time you see a stick you could look twice to see if it is a wonderful stick insect.

By Sarah




Did you know that there are 10,000 different types of ants in the world. Ants are very strong for their size because they can carry 50x their weight.

Ants soldiers have extra-large jaws and heads. Ants have six legs attached to the thorax.
 Diet They don’t have a diet, they eat what they eat they  can find they mostly like bread.
Habitat    They live in rock walls and underground tunnels.
Life cycle they start as eggs then they turn into lava after a little while they turn into a pupa the adult.
Conclusion All the ants in the world are as heavy as all the humans in the world there are 10,000 trillion.
By James


 A cockroach is faster than any species and cockroach is fatter than any species it makes it easier to get into houses most cockroaches have fat bodies. A cockroaches has three parts. They have six legs.      
Diet of a cockroach
Cockroaches can eat everything.
They live in warm places on the earth.
The life cycle of the cockroach
Inside the egg bag of the younger female body are heaps of little girls or boys. When they are born, they scatter around their mother.
 By Sienna



Dragonflies can fly forwards and backward. They change paths so quickly that they’re hard to follow. They can see all around them. They can see above them around them and to the side of them.
Did you know they can breathe water through their tails.
Dragonflies have huge eyes and a long skinny tail. They have two pairs of wings that contain many veins. Dragon flies have six legs like all insects.
Dragonflies live in swamps and bushes. When they are really young they live in a pond and they are like tadpoles. Once they are old enough they move out of the pond and to the bush or a swamp.
Dragonflies are carnivores. That means that they’re meat eaters. They eat all kinds of little bits of meat.
So next time you see a dragonfly be grateful of the little things it does.
By Emma


There are more than 75,000 wasp species.

Did you know that only females sting and wasps come in a variety of colours including blue.

Wasps live everywhere in the world except Antarctica this is because they like hot climates.


Wasps have one pair of mandibles a thorax and an abdomen a pair wings and a tube for laying eggs


Wasps eat trap door spiders and caterpillars 


Wasps look like bees but they’re not.

By William



Week 3

This week just flew by and we achieved a lot!

In writing we continued to work on our information reports. Have a look at the blog post about our insect information reports to learn some new and interesting facts about insects.

In sport we had the second round of our Year 4 cricket tournament and in PE we worked on our cricket skills.

For reading we have been focusing on how to find the main idea in a text and will be moving onto summarising next week.

Addition and subtraction strategies have been the focus in Maths this week.

This week was the start of Chinese New Year so in Mandarin lessons the class was learning about that, and in class we did some art related to Chinese New Year.

In topic we have been developing our understanding of Whanaungatanga and looking at all of the connections around us