Thursday, 23 July 2015

MBS News

Check out our own Stella and Sarah in the pilot for MBS news!

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Week One Think

For literacy and thinking skills this term we will be doing a weekly think.
Each week there will be a topic or a question that you will need to do some deep thinking about in order to answer with your thoughts.
This week we will be trying out Padlet as a way to share our Think.
Just click on an empty space to bring up a text box to write your thoughts. Aim for about three sentences. 

Tuesday, 21 July 2015


On Tuesday We had special football coaches to take us for a lesson. Sarah made this video of our lesson.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Area and Perimeter

This term we are investigating area and perimeter. These are important concepts to understand for our inquiry topic about soil!

Here is a great video from Kahn Academy that explains what area is.

Introduction to area and unit squares: Cover figures with square units to find their area.

There are also some more videos and activities on this same website.
Kahn Academy- Area

Here are some pictures of room 34 trying to make 1m squares. It's harder than it sounds!

Your recycling is needed!

Hi Room 34,

We will be doing a lot of science this term and need some simple equipment right out of your recycle bin!
Over the next couple of weeks, can you please bring in any of the following that you have at home?

-clear plastic drink bottles such as 1.5l or 2l coke bottles
- largish tin cans (820g size)
- plastic plant pots- of the kind that you buy your plants in from the garden centre

I am also on the hunt for old tent pegs if you have any lying around the garage that are no longer good for camping.

Please make sure that any bottles or tins have been well cleaned.

Many thanks,

Mrs Carryer